Friday, June 3, 2011

So it'll say Fri, but its really Thurs

Because honestly, I haven't gone to bed yet, which means to me, this is thursday. Specially because my work day sorta just ended all of 20 minutes ago (Wooot... Right...), I'm still in Thursday, while the rest of the world has moved onto Friday. Sorta like overtime in basketball, except no ones trying to win anything that I know of. At least, I hope not. That would sort of be horrible to lose just because I wasn't aware I was going into Thursday overtime for a reason. (Well, my reason is so I can say with some peace of mind that I did in fact post Thursday, which was my goal, as opposed to friday, which isn't my goal. See? Maybe I am a winner!) So I guess I may in fact be winning. But thats only because I've managed to now trick myself into believing the first two or three hours of Friday to in fact be several extra hours thrown into Thursday solely for my sake. Just for me. Aren't I special? Please, don't answer that. I don't want to feel coddled. Special (There should be quotation marks around that to emphasize the sarcasm behind this comment) people go to Evergreen (And there you go Emily!). I didn't go to Evergreen. So, by special, I meant in fact, I honest to goodness have something special about me that can convince myself I can trade a couple hours inbetween days with no problem, as opposed to special as in I need tutoring/counseling/rehab. Not that that type of person isn't a nice person or anything, its just not me. Hopefully. Again, I'm not sure if I want to know your opinion on that particular matter concerning me. (Also, if you have gone/are currently attending Evergreen, I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm sorry. For you. Because you have to go there. Not because I'm making fun of it.)

Moving on now that I've rambled about special people? Yes? Yes. Thought so too, great idea.

So, tourrette's? Nice people, I suppose, until then inconspicuously hit your foot with the door and then flip the holy living heck out on you for touching their door. Lovely people, really, just avoid the doorway, because even if it was in fact them that hit you with the door, it is, in fact, your fault, and they will proceed to violently/loudly/aggressively/with explicit language tell you how and where to preform certain acts not appropriate for small children to even know about, and why you should do it, and how they could assist you in helping you bend to the occasion as to permit you to actually preform the acts they had heretofore (HAHAHA WORD SCORE!!!) described you committing upon yourself. And then they would proceed in a much calmer, nicer tone to tell you that its so nice to see young people actually going out and doing work for money nowadays, and that they didn't need or want us to do a cleaning for them, but that they wished us luck. Hmm. Didn't I say we had just gotten done talking about special people? Sorry, it just sorta all came out like that, didn't it? Anyways, if you didn't guess, exciting day at work! I love my job... Sarcasm aside though, I really do. I just wish I could get more then like one demo a day... current ratio is 3 demos, 1 dq, 1 sale, 1 puff. So, one honest to goodness sale, one where they simply could not afford it, and one where, hey, you know, they don't all want to buy a Kirby. Even though they are like the freaking best cleaning system out there . Professional bias, sorry, but its sorta true. If you ever want to get freaked out by your house and carpet, take a Kirby training class. It is truly disturbing how disgusting our houses are, and how little most vacuum's do to clean it. Basically, never going to own a vacuum other then a Kirby. Pretty much what it boils down too.


So, shameless company advertising aside (Hey, they should pay me for this blog post... haha Ah, if only it was that easy) Just going to throw this out there... I watched Skyline, and it just came across as a giant sci-fi alien zombie movie. I mean, they came here for one reason (That it shows). To kill us by exploding(Disintegrating, liquidating, whatever) our heads, throwing the now beheaded body to the side, and nomming down on our brains (Or inserting it into a plug in their body, like a battery). Now, they want us for our brains. Does that shout zombie to anyone else? And I have to admit, that while I may not have enjoyed the acting that much, I did enjoy the movie. It had an interesting enough story, and the ending was a tad surprising. I did not expect any of them to live, at all, and while I was mostly correct on that, the lead guy gets beheaded, but apparently his brain can reject the control and fight back against the aliens? So he actually takes over an alien body that he gets jacked into as a brain, and then goes and whomps alien tush as he saves his pregnant girlfriend. The graphics were pretty nifty, although honestly, it all felt kind of rushed, as well as a feel of it being a mix between district nine and Battle Los Angeles (Not that I've seen Battle Los Angeles, but thats the feel from the trailers and all. And then definitely District 9 with how the guy ends up an alien.) But perhaps thats just because to me, District 9 was an amazing movie that accomplished a lot, and Battle Los Angeles looks like it will be an amazingly epic movie as well, and Skyline was trying to jump in on the sequence and be a quick cash in. But thats just the overall feel I got from it. Again, it does in fact have a very decent plot, some very good fight scenes (The part where the main character basically destroys a flying alien pod with his bare hands was pretty flipping sweet) and they did do a pretty good job on alien design. So, by all means, I would suggest going and renting it if your in the mood for just a run of the mill alien/zombie/apocalypse flick. Which there aren't many, so run of the mill would be a rare occurrence.

******** END SPOILERS **********

So, Saturday. I am excited! Get to go to prom! And the Cheesecake factory! And it will be amazing! And yeah, I could go over the whole bit again about guys being jealous and what not, but instead, if you want a brief (Man, I'm so tired, I re-wrote brief five times as breif) description of the wonderful girl I'm going with, go to my second blog post, and read it. I believe its up towards the top somewhere, but thats basically her in a nutshell. And she's pretty flipping schuweet.

Also excited, tomorrow (Remember, its still Thursday!) I have a movie night with Karen and Kim, two semi-good to good friends (One I don't know very well, the other is a good friend. Not necessarily in that order however). We're going to be watching the movie 17 again because Karen had a dream about Zac Effron, and I love that movie, and so we decided movie night would be fun. Especially because we don't ever get the chance to hang out. So thats happening, which is very, very cool.

OOOOH, so, my friend Kelsey was over wed evening. And now, I'm a tad ticklish. And when I say a tad, I really mean that I am really, really, really ticklish, and I can't really help it that much. Meaning someone tickles me, and I flip and jump, and squirm and my normal voice suddenly gets a lot higher, into the boy soprano (Sadly) range. Anyways, we were watching When in Rome (Awesome movie by the way) and she tickles me. I flip out, spasm off the couch and across half the floor, doing the electric slide(meets)dead fish flop, and giggling in my newly acquired catholic choir boy's range of vocal abilities. When I can finally get my body under control, I look severely at Kelsey (Or as severely as one can look having just preformed the acrobatic and vocal show I had put on) and told her no tickling. Her reply? "I'm not tickling... I'm merely... Caressing your armpit."

My jaw literally hit the floor. Caressing my armpit? That sounds even worse then tickling! I'm not sure I want anyone to caress my armpit! That just sounds wrong and un-enjoyable. I mean, a caress on the back (Meaning something akin to a light massage) I would love, but thats not what my armpit needs! My armpits would be very much the happier pair if all intruding phalanges were removed, thank you very much. And I used the word phalanges because its big, and it makes me sound smart, even if I did have to look it up on wikipedia because I forgot how to spell it correctly.

Well, its getting late (almost Friday!) and so I'm going to end this here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! And thanks to those of you who commented on my last blog post! Thanks! You let me know that at least three people read this!

And the question this time is,
What is one part of the body that the scientific terminology makes you giggle or smile when you say it? Phalanges is one for me, what are some of yours? 

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