Monday, August 8, 2011

Just a picture you all need to see...

SO TRUE. That is all.

An actual blog entry as opposed to a story one

So as I said, I enjoy the somewhat longer titles that explain everything in them. It makes it easier for you all to get the point quickly, instead of twiddling (I so didn't know you spelled twiddling with two d's...) your thumbs whilst reading through a blog entry, wondering when on this green Earth will I get to the point.

Well, the point was made up at the top. In the title. So, if you don't enjoy that memo, you should probably skip out on the rest of it. Just sayin'.

Quick update for all those girls out there with older brothers. DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, go into their room, and leave your plain lip gloss where they keep their chapstick. It is NOT NICE. Especially if they don't realize at first what it is (Assuming its just chapstick because that's where they keep theirs) and apply it. And then are shocked when their lips are much more... shiny. Not colored, just... shiny. So yeah. Please, for the sake of all those older brothers out there, don't? Pretty please?

I really want this book... The Book of Bunny Suicides. Pretty horrible funny stuff. I literally cried from the fact I was laughing so hard at fluffy creatures who have just decided they don't want to live anymore. Its truly painful to read, and it begs the question - who's more messed up, the person reading it and enjoying it, or the person who thought it all up and wrote it, and is now making money off of the other type. Well, I guess we know which one is smarter, but still.

And it's late, so I'm just going to end this here. Hope you go check out that link, its a hilarious book, and yes, I know, it does link to amazon, but hey. They have a better description of it than I do, plus, from there I'm pretty sure you can find pictures from in the book so you understand what I'm talking about.

Night guys!