Anyways, I was talking to my friend Haley, and telling her to go read my blog, because I want followers, and people to read this, so I can join the throngs of internet socialites who have a following. And then I can network with other socialites with followings. And then we can take over the world through the blogosphere! Woot! (Yeaaaah... I'm sorry. Tired here. Just got off of my first day of real work as opposed to training, and it was a 10 hour shift.... haha) And I was like, hey! Go read my blog! It's pretty fricking tardtastic! And she was like... Tardtastic = spiffyriffic! And I was like, fo shoooo! and so I told her I was using it in my next blog posting. So Haley my dear, there is your shout out. Spiffyriffic. For the win (do people still say that? For the win? I can never be sure on what people still use or not) And just so you can all see sorta what my awesome friend Haley looks like, I'm including a sketch I drew back round winter*ish time (as if we have a real winter here in washington... more like rain just year round cept for two weeks in the summer...)
So yeah, thats a sketch of my friend Haley. She even made it her profile pic for a bit, which totally made me feel like super freaking cool.
Also, I got a couple positive feedbacks from friends on this. The best one was from Kelsey, who actually burst out laughing/giggling so hard she had people ask her what was up. So she showed them my blog. Totally made my day when she did that. Oh, so side note? Use the word spiffyriffic. My friend Haley wants to start a trend. Help her out? And if people are like, wooooah, where'd you pick up that totally awesome new word (stoner voice here. Assuming your friend goes to Evergreen State College of course...) And you could be, Its from this really funny blog! and direct them to my blog. Just sayin. Shameless self advertising and pleading there I suppose...
Anyways, about work. It.. was interesting. So, for those of you that don't know, I work for Kirby. Yeah... one of those people... the ones that knock on your door acting all goofy-like and then try selling you a vacuum while we do some cleaning for you. It's pretty tight. Actually, in all honesty, I really loved my first day. Yeah, I was soaking wet for most of it. Yeah, I got home at midnight. Yeah, I didn't sell squat (ALMOST! ALMOST!) but I did get to meet some really cool people, I got to connect with my rowdy, insane, almost "special" co-workers, and I got to see the most adorable little girl EVAR. Like, no joke, this little girl was only 21 months old, but she had the whole world wrapped round her little finger, and knew it. Scary combo, but oh so cute. And she had the coolest parents (The ones I almost got a sale on... sadly, he'd been outa work, so they couldn't afford one. Although... the wife said she was willing to trade in her husband for one. Maybe we shoulda have taken her up on that haha) and I got some gas money ahead of time, because my boss Shirley is oh-so-cool, and I totally got kudos from my other boss (The co-owner of our office) Anthony for being a total stud and still being positive, in the rain, while some of the other guys were getting down because it was a sorta crummy day, and knocking in a couple houses. I just had a huge ego boost. And I got told I'm totally going to go far in the company. And its just doing what I do best... being odd, offbeat, sorta loud, out there, and dorky. To complete and random strangers. And getting paid for it. Seriously, its like when I was working at scout camp, but better, because the pay is better.
So, basically, work = money = good + acting dorky = better + crazy/slightly insane co workers = awesomefriggingtastic. No joke. I did sorta fall asleep on the van ride home (We were working in Montesano/Elma today.. well, yesterday by now) but it was worth it.
And through it all (or mostly at least) I had the superdupercool/freakingawesome Kelsey to text to keep me slightly sane with the stupid weather going on and no coat... She managed to help keep a smile on my face even though I was completely and utterly drenched. Like, I'm pretty sure I looked more pathetic then a soaked kitten. Which is hard to do. Especially because almost nothing can look more pathetic then a soaked kitten. I mean, the guy who can look at a soaked kitten without going "oooh.... the poor thing" is a cruel heartless bugger. It's just how it is. Fact of life, along with the birds and the bees. Hmm... the new talk parents should give their teens is "the bird and the bees and the pathetic sad looking partially drowned soaked kittens" .
I'm not so sure on that now that I've gone back and reread that last sentence... That's another "ohmy... only on the internet" moments, isn't it? Eh, whatevs.
Moooving on! I've decided that unlike what I stated in the last blog, I will be putting up three a week. One monday, one wednesday, and one friday. That way its an every other day sorta thing, and I can keep all y'all folks up to date on the crazy quirky things going on in my life. Because I know you're all just dying to know what I'm up too that often.
So, question. How many of you have heard of the McGangbang? Scary sounding name, but really frigging tasty. So, if you haven't heard of one, what you do is;
- Go to McDonalds
- Order a double cheeseburger
- Order a McChicken
- Squash the McChicken as flat as possible.
- Open up the double cheeseburger
- Insert McChicken inbetween the two patties on the double cheeseburger
- Put the two cheeseburger halfs back together
And it's now something like 1 in the morning? So, I'm totally ending this here. And I hope you all enjoyed... even the slightly darker bit about partially drowned soaking wet kittens that happen to be rather pathetic looking. I'm going to bed... the delirious stages of tiredness have begun, so if I do stay up any later to write here, I'm seriously going to regret it. So toodles! and Night! and I'll see you all again (or write to all of you more likely) friday!