Friday, June 3, 2011

So it'll say Fri, but its really Thurs

Because honestly, I haven't gone to bed yet, which means to me, this is thursday. Specially because my work day sorta just ended all of 20 minutes ago (Wooot... Right...), I'm still in Thursday, while the rest of the world has moved onto Friday. Sorta like overtime in basketball, except no ones trying to win anything that I know of. At least, I hope not. That would sort of be horrible to lose just because I wasn't aware I was going into Thursday overtime for a reason. (Well, my reason is so I can say with some peace of mind that I did in fact post Thursday, which was my goal, as opposed to friday, which isn't my goal. See? Maybe I am a winner!) So I guess I may in fact be winning. But thats only because I've managed to now trick myself into believing the first two or three hours of Friday to in fact be several extra hours thrown into Thursday solely for my sake. Just for me. Aren't I special? Please, don't answer that. I don't want to feel coddled. Special (There should be quotation marks around that to emphasize the sarcasm behind this comment) people go to Evergreen (And there you go Emily!). I didn't go to Evergreen. So, by special, I meant in fact, I honest to goodness have something special about me that can convince myself I can trade a couple hours inbetween days with no problem, as opposed to special as in I need tutoring/counseling/rehab. Not that that type of person isn't a nice person or anything, its just not me. Hopefully. Again, I'm not sure if I want to know your opinion on that particular matter concerning me. (Also, if you have gone/are currently attending Evergreen, I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm sorry. For you. Because you have to go there. Not because I'm making fun of it.)

Moving on now that I've rambled about special people? Yes? Yes. Thought so too, great idea.

So, tourrette's? Nice people, I suppose, until then inconspicuously hit your foot with the door and then flip the holy living heck out on you for touching their door. Lovely people, really, just avoid the doorway, because even if it was in fact them that hit you with the door, it is, in fact, your fault, and they will proceed to violently/loudly/aggressively/with explicit language tell you how and where to preform certain acts not appropriate for small children to even know about, and why you should do it, and how they could assist you in helping you bend to the occasion as to permit you to actually preform the acts they had heretofore (HAHAHA WORD SCORE!!!) described you committing upon yourself. And then they would proceed in a much calmer, nicer tone to tell you that its so nice to see young people actually going out and doing work for money nowadays, and that they didn't need or want us to do a cleaning for them, but that they wished us luck. Hmm. Didn't I say we had just gotten done talking about special people? Sorry, it just sorta all came out like that, didn't it? Anyways, if you didn't guess, exciting day at work! I love my job... Sarcasm aside though, I really do. I just wish I could get more then like one demo a day... current ratio is 3 demos, 1 dq, 1 sale, 1 puff. So, one honest to goodness sale, one where they simply could not afford it, and one where, hey, you know, they don't all want to buy a Kirby. Even though they are like the freaking best cleaning system out there . Professional bias, sorry, but its sorta true. If you ever want to get freaked out by your house and carpet, take a Kirby training class. It is truly disturbing how disgusting our houses are, and how little most vacuum's do to clean it. Basically, never going to own a vacuum other then a Kirby. Pretty much what it boils down too.


So, shameless company advertising aside (Hey, they should pay me for this blog post... haha Ah, if only it was that easy) Just going to throw this out there... I watched Skyline, and it just came across as a giant sci-fi alien zombie movie. I mean, they came here for one reason (That it shows). To kill us by exploding(Disintegrating, liquidating, whatever) our heads, throwing the now beheaded body to the side, and nomming down on our brains (Or inserting it into a plug in their body, like a battery). Now, they want us for our brains. Does that shout zombie to anyone else? And I have to admit, that while I may not have enjoyed the acting that much, I did enjoy the movie. It had an interesting enough story, and the ending was a tad surprising. I did not expect any of them to live, at all, and while I was mostly correct on that, the lead guy gets beheaded, but apparently his brain can reject the control and fight back against the aliens? So he actually takes over an alien body that he gets jacked into as a brain, and then goes and whomps alien tush as he saves his pregnant girlfriend. The graphics were pretty nifty, although honestly, it all felt kind of rushed, as well as a feel of it being a mix between district nine and Battle Los Angeles (Not that I've seen Battle Los Angeles, but thats the feel from the trailers and all. And then definitely District 9 with how the guy ends up an alien.) But perhaps thats just because to me, District 9 was an amazing movie that accomplished a lot, and Battle Los Angeles looks like it will be an amazingly epic movie as well, and Skyline was trying to jump in on the sequence and be a quick cash in. But thats just the overall feel I got from it. Again, it does in fact have a very decent plot, some very good fight scenes (The part where the main character basically destroys a flying alien pod with his bare hands was pretty flipping sweet) and they did do a pretty good job on alien design. So, by all means, I would suggest going and renting it if your in the mood for just a run of the mill alien/zombie/apocalypse flick. Which there aren't many, so run of the mill would be a rare occurrence.

******** END SPOILERS **********

So, Saturday. I am excited! Get to go to prom! And the Cheesecake factory! And it will be amazing! And yeah, I could go over the whole bit again about guys being jealous and what not, but instead, if you want a brief (Man, I'm so tired, I re-wrote brief five times as breif) description of the wonderful girl I'm going with, go to my second blog post, and read it. I believe its up towards the top somewhere, but thats basically her in a nutshell. And she's pretty flipping schuweet.

Also excited, tomorrow (Remember, its still Thursday!) I have a movie night with Karen and Kim, two semi-good to good friends (One I don't know very well, the other is a good friend. Not necessarily in that order however). We're going to be watching the movie 17 again because Karen had a dream about Zac Effron, and I love that movie, and so we decided movie night would be fun. Especially because we don't ever get the chance to hang out. So thats happening, which is very, very cool.

OOOOH, so, my friend Kelsey was over wed evening. And now, I'm a tad ticklish. And when I say a tad, I really mean that I am really, really, really ticklish, and I can't really help it that much. Meaning someone tickles me, and I flip and jump, and squirm and my normal voice suddenly gets a lot higher, into the boy soprano (Sadly) range. Anyways, we were watching When in Rome (Awesome movie by the way) and she tickles me. I flip out, spasm off the couch and across half the floor, doing the electric slide(meets)dead fish flop, and giggling in my newly acquired catholic choir boy's range of vocal abilities. When I can finally get my body under control, I look severely at Kelsey (Or as severely as one can look having just preformed the acrobatic and vocal show I had put on) and told her no tickling. Her reply? "I'm not tickling... I'm merely... Caressing your armpit."

My jaw literally hit the floor. Caressing my armpit? That sounds even worse then tickling! I'm not sure I want anyone to caress my armpit! That just sounds wrong and un-enjoyable. I mean, a caress on the back (Meaning something akin to a light massage) I would love, but thats not what my armpit needs! My armpits would be very much the happier pair if all intruding phalanges were removed, thank you very much. And I used the word phalanges because its big, and it makes me sound smart, even if I did have to look it up on wikipedia because I forgot how to spell it correctly.

Well, its getting late (almost Friday!) and so I'm going to end this here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! And thanks to those of you who commented on my last blog post! Thanks! You let me know that at least three people read this!

And the question this time is,
What is one part of the body that the scientific terminology makes you giggle or smile when you say it? Phalanges is one for me, what are some of yours? 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I seem to enjoy missing self-set deadlines a bit

So, the title says a lot... Yeah, I know, I know. Today's Tuesday... so celebrate! (And forgot its not Monday! Which is the day I promised the new blog posting! I'm sorry! I just, you know, have a life... sort of... beyond the internet, which includes friends, and lakes, and boating, and inner tubing, and Disney movies, and guitar playing. Oh! And hottubing with friends. So, needless to say, Monday was busy. Especially because of the whole Memorial day, its a holiday thing...) Maybe I should start telling myself I should post the day before I tell you guys that I'll post, that way when I finally get around to it, it all lines up and comes out on time*ish. Perhaps that might work. But even then I have my doubts.

So, moving on slightly, I would like to tell you guys about a book I've just started reading, got about 130 pages read through this morning/noon/afternoon (I kid, its just been the afternoon). Its called the House of Leaves... and it's an intense book. Its about a guy, who's reading and correcting a book written by a blind man about a movie that was supposedly made that never existed, but what he's reading and whats happening in the book and the movie is affecting and being reflected in the first guy's own life. And so theres the first person narrative of the guy who's currently being affected through discovery and reading and alterations to the book, theres the old blind man who you come to know about through the notes he had in the margins of the book he was writing and through the different people the main character comes into contact with who knew the old man before he died, and then theres the narrative of the movie, which is told through the book, about the family who lived in the house where all the funky stuff was going on, and how it all played out for them. So, its pretty insanely complex and layered. And it's about 700 pages long. And it genuinely is a crazy awesome read if you're down for a creepy spine tingling read that'll keep you entertained for a while. I must say though, that you should probably buy the actual paper version, as using a kindle or something like that might make it a bit difficult to switch rapidly through the book to verify and reference what's going on. It's quite literally and adventure reading it, and you feel accomplished after reading a bit, just because you have so many chances and opportunities to delve deeper then just the book about the movie and go into the two other storylines, and to go further even then to make your own connections with what pops up and go back and tie everything together on your own. It's definitely not just a casual pick up and then put down book. It will grab you if you give it the chance, and suck you in. So, just be warned, it is an adventure to read it, and if it sounds like something you may enjoy, definitely go get a copy. 

Here is the wikipedia link, just because it does a much better job describing it, and it will do a better job of helping you figure out if its something you would want to read or not. I'm only on page 100, so I can't really give you guys a review of it fully, but I will say I am thoroughly enjoying it.

House of Leaves - Wikilink

And further here is the link to go to if you think you'll enjoy it.. I wouldn't recommend getting this one from the library. 

House of Leaves -

So here's what the cover looks like...
And what some of the more.. interesting... pages look like

And so yeah, its awesome. Go look into it. (P.S., its only like 10 bucks or so for this huge tome-like thing of awesomeness, so I would look into getting it. Just sayin')

So, a little about yesterday. Since obviously I didn't post, I musta have been busy, right? Of course! Why else wouldn't I put the half hour to an hour I use for randomly typing up my thoughts for your viewing pleasure to it's usual use? (Don't answer that.. I'm not sure I want to know what you guys would say to that.) So what was I doing? Well, I was first helping Kelsey write yet another paper (Not that much got done. We ended up having to go shopping real quick, and then we had to go outside for a little bit to do some cleaning up round the place, and then we left for the party. But we did get an outline done! Yay!) and then after the little extended bit that I just went through was over, we left to go out to a church party at a nearby lake. We got there just a little late, but we managed to snag food, so it wasn't to horrible. Kelsey, Josh, and I all decided we wanted to go jump on the trampoline, so we did that for a bit, but first, I have to tell you this looked like the trampoline hadn't been used in years, and that the last time it had been used, it was by either a Polynesian or a Samoan (not being racist, they just happen to be usually bigger and bulkier (In a good way, not the fat way)) because there were two or three holes in it, where springs had decided to go for a vacation or something, I don't know what, but they simply weren't there. Apparently, whatever they decided to go do, it was better then holding a trampoline up. Hence, we had to be a little bit more careful on the trampoline. 

Which meant, of course, that we didn't exactly do that. We almost lost Kelsey to the giant hole in the corner... Josh jumped up pretty high, and when he came down, he almost hip-planted (Is that a term? Does that make sense to all of you? If it doesn't I could draw a picture, but I'm pretty sure its self explanatory. At least, I think it is) Kelsey, who dived out of the way. 
Out of the way = Into giant hole created because springs decided to go on a vacation somewhere warm and sunny. 
Thankfully, she managed to land just short of falling into it, and Josh and I pulled her up, but it was close. We were all laughing and started jumping a few minutes later again though, so its not like any deep trauma occurred which would require months of shock therapy and counseling. Even though I would sorta expect counseling to be needed if you almost got hip-planted to the face by Josh, but thats just my take. To each their own I suppose...

Oh! So, the game Curses. Pretty much the stupidest, inane source of fun disguised as a game ever invented. I am not sure who came up with that game, but they must of been pretty .. uh... gifted (?) .. to come up with it. Either that or they went to Evergreen College... (Yes, I just made fun of Evergreen again. Muwahahaha) But regardless, it was fun. Even if it is insipid. (Insipid fits, doesn't it? I'm looking for a fancy word thats semi-fun to say here...) Emily got two curses placed in a row on her that I thought was a particularly devious combination. The first one is where whenever you speak, you have to bite the tip of your tongue. Now, try that. It's not exactly the easiest to do, and it definitely sounds funny. Second one she got was whenever she spoke, she had to start off by clapping her hands twice and saying "Attention Class!". Now, try doing that. With the whole biting the tip of the tongue thing. Now imagine doing that everytime you had to talk. It was a thing of beauty. Anyways, moving on... To innertubing! So, yes, its not June yet even, and it was cloudy, and chilly over here in the Pacific Northwest, but we Washingtonians are made of stronger stuff (Or perhaps we're just that much more foolish), and so we decided to go in the lake! And we got out the boat and the innertube, and boy, that was a blast. Emily and I both fell off the tube, and while Kelsey didn't fall off, she got soaked when Emily did. And she sorta hit my shoulder with her face (She had a problem with her face and hitting things yesterday I'm starting to notice. But we love her still, so its all good) and then told everyone (and by everyone I really just mean like two or three people we were sitting with after we dried off and got out of the lake) that I was a horribly abusive person who beat her up. Thank heavens my oreo-slinging, teammate-mance pal Josh was there to stand up for me. It was quite funny... Kelsey made him eat an oreo. And then tried chucking one at me... it missed, thank heavens. It hit the wall hard enough to leave crumbled oreo behind  it stuck to the wall.

After that we hung out a bit more, played some more games, jumped on the trampoline, and then Josh, Emily, Kelsey, and I all headed off to go home and then meet at Emily's. On the way though, Kelsey and I pulled off to search for the fastest way there, and there happened to be a little trail leading off of the parking lot we were stopped in. Soooo... Of course we jumped out of the car and ran to investigate the little trail. Well, skipped. We were both a little (lot) tired, and so reasonable thought wasn't exactly an option. Turns out it just went from the next parking lot over to the one we were in, but still, it was an adventure. Lots of green, and fun just walking (Still skipping actually) around the little meanderings the path took. And then we went back to the car, and headed off to Emily's. We all got there, and after jumping on the trampoline there (This one giant-Kelsey-eating-holes free) we decided to pop into the hot tub, where Josh and I ended up talking about coding and video games and college stuff while the girls talked about (Kelsey, Emily, don't read this next bit) .. well... something. I don't remember, I wasn't paying them too much attention, other then to tease them a bit. (Ok, Kelsey and Emily, you can start reading again) Although I do remember we all talked about how tools are to guys what shoes are to girls, except tools end up being actually useful whereas you can only have so many shoes before its pointless (that probably wasn't too smart to say was it? I know for a fact that my four official followers and then three unofficial followers are all female. Hmm) 

After that, I broke out Emily's little brother's (Coulter's) Guitar, and tuned it, and then played around a bit on it. It's a pretty nice little Yamaha guitar, just a little doodler acoustic to play around with. Sadly, I didn't have a pick with me, so I was stuck with finger picking, so it was mostly folk type music that I played, although I did the best I could do from memory for Canon in D (Pachelbel) and Always (Panic at the Disco), so that was fun. And then we went and watched Tangled at Kelsey's house (And for the record, that may be one of the most amazing movies of all time. Just sayin') after which we all made our separate ways home eventually. 

Hence why I didn't get home until really late, and not having the time to keep you updated on stuff. But look at it this way... if I had written this all down Monday morning, it wouldn't of had the whole awesome adventures in it! Just sayin'. 

Oh, and my friend Adam finally read my blog. And while he does say firstly can be fun to say, the word that really brings a smile to his face is "bubbles". So try saying it! Also, just comment and tell me what word you say that can always (or mostly) bring a smile to your face! I want to know what you guys say! And I think that I'll probably end this here. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed! See you either tomorrow or Thursday!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

So, its Sunday... not Friday, I know...

But I have a really good excuse as to why I didn't put up a blog post on Friday! I was on the road to Ellensburg, WA, to go to the Sasquatch! fest! It was really cool. My aunt and I only went in on saturday, but we spent friday travelling. So, out of the lineup for saturday, most of the names I won't bug you with, but there is one in particular I want to mention. There was one show in particular that blew me away beyond all others. DCFC was good, don't get me wrong, but I was expecting them to be good. The one I didn't know about whether it was going to be good or not, and then it ended up being amazing, was Dan Mangan. If you haven't heard his stuff, go to youtube, look it up, listen to it, love it, repeat. No really, it was simply superb. I don't know how in the world I hadn't heard of him before, but it was really, really, really good. As in, good enough that I'm going to share a link with you, to one of my favorite songs by him.

>>Dan Mangan - ROBOTS (YouTube link)<<
And thats the awesome link to the amazing song. And another one is the Post-War blues or something like that... If you google it, I'm sure you'll find it. Anyways, moving past the concert... Hahaha Just kidding! I wanna talk about it more! Anyways, I got a track jacket. And I really like it. So I'm uploading a pic of it. With me in it. With other assorted clothes covering my body. Because that would just be awkward for most of you guys if I didn't have any on. So, I'm uploading this on good faith none of you guys will become creepy stalkers who'll try tracking me down.. (Although I don't know why I would need to state that... I'm pretty sure that with one possible exception I know who all my followers are...) So without further ado, here is me in my spiffy new jacket from Sasquatch! fest.

Just so it's all clear... This was taken at like, 12 in the morning when we finally got back to the apartment from the concert. Hence my sorta bland blank expression. But anyways, this is my new jacket. And I love it. A lot.

On other news, remember how last time I posted I had just got home from work, right? Well, Thursday, the very next day, I ended up selling my first Kirby. Which means I'm currently at a 1/2 ratio, one sales for two demos, which is really good. Really really good in fact. They usually expect you to get one out of four, and for beginners, usually one out of like, 7 or 8. So, thats cool. I'm excited. Mooooney in the bannnk! Which means I should be able to pay for prom next weekend! Yay! (Yes folks, that does mean I in fact have at least someone who likes me enough to want to go to prom with me. Although I may have been a last ditch effort... Hmm. Still, going to prom with this really amazingly silly, awesome, and ridiculously cute girl. So if you happen to be a guy and reading this, be jealous. If you're a girl and are reading this, I don't know what to tell you. Be happy and thankful its not you stuck with me and my offbeat humor for several hours on what should be a perfectly amazing saturday evening otherwise? But thats up to you I guess. But guys, did I mention she's cute? You should definitely be jealous)

So, I'm excited for the week obviously. Got work, which I love, I got some sun yesterday, I'm going to be seeing some friends here in a little bit today (Family friends, Kelsey, Josh, hopefully some other GHites...), Prom, payday, ect... It's going to be good. I can feel it (Breaks into song... the one by OneRepublic about a good life or whatnot)

Note... I thought the whole Carbon Credits thing was a joke. Like, I honestly thought that people would look at making it where companies had to buy "carbon credits" for the carbon they produce in an attempt to get them to cut back carbon emissions, and laugh. I know I did. Because if its a big company, they'll just pay more and continue spewing carbon. So in essence, only thing that would really happen is smaller divergent companies researching alternative power sources start not being able to afford the emissions they're causing, putting them under, and then the big companies continue doing as they are, and then the eco-nazi's get more money... So not doing much of anything cept putting money in some bureaucrat's pocket, and harming the smaller companies that have much more incentive to find alternative power sources. But thats my take on it. Anyways, On the flyer for Sasquatch! fest, it said that the carbon credits for the concert were donated/provided/given by/whaatevs by Honda. Up to that point I had honestly thought it was a joke (Read - not real). Not sure the point of the story here, but it sorta was a really weird moment, realizing something I had thought was too incredulous to be true was in fact true. Or maybe I just don't understand the whole system behind it, but still... Not to cool sounding in my book.

And on second note... they shouldn't charge the concert carbon credits, it should be pot credits. Like... Standing out in the front moshy pittish like area before Bright Eyes went on, and just looking around, 4 out of the 9 people directly around me were rolling blunts. Like, it was bad. I actually got sick from the smell of alcohol, sweat, pot, and assorted other nastiness down there that I got a sick stomach. So I went and ate a soft pretzel. It definitely helped my stomach calm down. A bit too salty, but good still. Also something else about the place.. Playstation had a demo area there, and so I got to put away a bit of time on Infamous 2. Now, Infamous was the game that made me want to go get a PS3. Not that I have one, but that game was always the one that I was like "I wanna get a PS3 just for that game, since my PC can't play it!". And now the second one is out. And it is amazing. The whole parkour aspect was a little bit tough getting used to at first.. It's a little too userfriendly, if that makes sense. Meaning, if I jump near a wire, its going to direct me to land on the wire, even if I didn't want to, and instead wanted to fly down and power mash someone from the top of the hotel I was on. Very frustrating until you get the hang of utterly avoiding anything remotely landable/grabbable on your way down from a building in freefall. So it can take a while. Just sayin. Other then that though, very very fun game. Not having played the first one however, it came as a bit of confusion as to why I died whenever I touched water. Until it dawned on me that duh, I'm and electric superhero thingie. Course I can't touch water! It'll just drain me! and so that was also slightly frustrating. Other than those two things though, I really did enjoy it. Didn't come close to AC series for freedom of movement and free running, but it makes up for it with the superpowers, which totally kick but (I mean, who wouldn't want to fire grenades of electricity or zap bolts from their hands?)

And finally, before closing, I would just like to say thanks for all those who have read my stuff! There is one person who read my stuff from Malaysia, two from Germany, and then seventy-nine different viewers from the USA! Thank you all for reading this at least! If you enjoy, you should definitely go up to the bar on the rights side, where it says "Followers" And follow me as well. It would just be the nice thing to do, and I would follow your blog as well! And just one final shout out... I find it pretty funny the stats will go as far to tell you the percentage/amount of people using different types of systems to read this. So, Kelsey, I am sorry, but you are no longer the only person to read this on your Iphone. Someone else is out there reading it the same way. So, my Iphone/Ipod group rose to two people! Yay!

So I'll see you all tomorrow (Monday) When I post according to schedule again! Thanks for reading, and if you laughed, share it with a friend! Thanks!